Thursday, March 30, 2006

I'm sold on Natural Cellular Defense!

After trying the product for over a month, I believe it really does something. Since I'm generally healthy, it's difficult to say exactly what, although I've mentioned some of the effects in this blog over the last month.

I haven't noticed a significant change in Demi, but that change will take time. I mentioned before that she had a cough, but that never developed into anything. The girls have not been sick recently. I wonder how allergy season will go?

So, I decided to become a distributor so I can share the products with others (and have some extra money to buy more of the products myself!). I'm anxious to read the new studies that are coming out about the effect on healthy vs unhealthy populations. The preliminary results show significant results in both populations (more in the unhealthy group, of course).

If you'd like to try Natural Cellular Defense for yourself, click the "Where to get it" link or go to Zeolite Wellness for lots more information. To try just a single bottle, give me a call at 770-722-6992 and I'll send you a bottle.

The retail cost of each bottle is $50 (tax and shipping included) if ordered with a credit card over the phone. Once you decide it's a valuable product that you want every month, it makes more sense to join the company to get the wholesale rate.

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