Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Zeolite Day 13

I finally ran out of my first bottle of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) yesterday, on Day 12. That's after me doing the cleansing dosage (10 drops) for 10 days, plus 3 drops for 2 days, plus Demi doing 5 drops for 7 days, then two doses of 15 drops for a day, then 3 drops for 4 days, plus Dana getting 15 drops once, plus 3 on her lip. Added all up, that's over 500 drops in one bottle!

On the normal maintenance dose of 3 drops (3x/day), a single bottle would last almost two months (56 days). That comes to $1.13/day.

Of course, since there are lots of extra uses for it (like a cold sore, a sore on your skin, a wart, etc), you might not get the full 56 days out of it. But how much does cold sore medicine cost or wort remover? And how well does it work? I guess I have to reserve judgment on that score until I see Dana's sore this afternoon. I just couldn't believe how dry and flaky it looked after just one night and two applications. I guess I need to start taking pictures! I'll take a picture this afternoon and update this post.

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