Monday, January 22, 2007

Ramping up NCD again

Things seem to be back to normal now for Demi. After taking her NCD dose down to 4 drops (12/day) and giving her 2 sachets of Threelac each day, her severe lack of attention dimished last week.

I'm ready to try again, but I procrastinated and only ordered the zinc and Liver Life just now. I'll try increasing slightly, but I won't go over that dangerous 8 drops level until I can get some zinc and liver life into her, which might not be until next week.

Last Friday, her teacher tested her for letter sound identification and she got all but 3. Yea, Demi! Based on that result after listening to the Alphamotions song MANY times at school, I'm guessing she's an auditory learner. I'll have to figure out how to teach her things that way. Any suggetions?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Yeast Control

Perhaps I'm getting too impatient. Or perhaps I'm jumping to conclusions.

I'm just upset that Demi has been so "not with it" since mid-December. I'm pretty sure it's because I pushed her NCD dose without yeast control in place (we had run out ThreeLac). I really didn't notice her lack of attention and spaciness untilafter Christmas some time (close to 2 wks after running out of ThreeLac.) Unfortunately, I think the yeast got a firm foothold and it's not yet backing down.

I'm wondering if I should hold on the NCD and let the ThreeLac start to catch up over time, or should I stop NCD long enough to get the yeast under control before ramping up on NCD again. I guess I should ask them over at AutismNCD to see which would be quicker and more effective.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hitting a wall at 24 drops

Well, we worked up to 8 drops, 3x/day, on Thursday as planned. However, Thursday night, I noticed that dry cough coming back. Friday morning when she got up, she had a lot of mucous in her eyes, like the start of pink eye. I backed off to 6 drop doses on Friday, 7 drop doses today (Saturday). She's been back to normal since I backed off the 8 drops.

According to the "experts" at AutismNCD, she needs some zinc to bust through those cold symptoms. I guess that will be the next thing added to her supplement arsenal that's building. Wow, you just kind of wade into this thing looking for alternatives and then you start seeing changes, along with a few negatives that need another solution, then more gains, then more problems requiring yet another supplement. You just don't know how out of balance a system is until you try to get it back into balance.

I'm happy to do it all as long as I continue seeing gains!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Another "Restart"

Demi had a bit of a break over the weekend to get rid of her detox symptoms. Yesterday, she had 5 drops, 3x/day. Today up to 6, 3x/day. We'll hold at 8 drops (24/day) through Monday and then progress more slowly. Perhaps what she went through was what they call a "detox crash" over on AutismNCD.

We also have ThreeLac again now, so I'm giving her two sachets of that a day to hopefully improve her latest regression of not listening. It was so nice having her be SO compliant just a few weeks ago. She would even do things without being asked and was quite tuned in to helping out, even cleaning up her room without being asked. Lately, she's been off in her own world, not caring what anyone else is doing. For me, it's rather difficult to see the benefits until you see a regression back to what it used to be.

I've mentioned that I'm giving her fish oil before, but I don't know that I've ever said how much. I give her about 2T/day. Regular dose is 1 tsp/day, so she gets about 6 times the normal dose. Because Kabuki may be related to insufficient myelination, I believe she needs all the EFA's I can get into her. She's very good about taking her liquid fish oil.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Dangers of Toxins

Much more often, we're starting to hear about the dangers of toxins in the mainstream media:

NCD Today Show: Toxic People
Ground Zeo Toxicity
National Geographic's Pollution Within
Canada's CBC News Chasing The Cancer Answer

Just to name a few.

Understandably, it's a growing concern. Far too many people have never heard these reports (those would be the ostriches with their heads in the sand) or choose to ignore the information (the notorious "it could never happen to me" or skeptical "it's all hype"). Wake up call! 1 in 2 people in North America will get cancer. Ok, that's either you or me, and I'm not ignoring the facts. (Hopefully you aren't either and there are 2 other unfortunate souls out there somewhere.)

“Most of the diseases of aging —vascular, most cancers, arthritis and others-- have been shown to be associated with toxic metals …..”
Dr. Robert A. Nash, Chairman of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology

“Evidence from 21 research studies … linking toxicants in the environment to breast cancer…” Breast Cancer Fund, October, 2004

So why aren't more people doing something about it? There IS something you can do on a daily basis to combat toxins in the environment, water, food, air, cleaning products, toiletry products, etc., etc. Sure, you may choose to invest in a whole-house water filter, eat all organic foods, make your own clothing from organic cotton grown in your back yard (might take a few years to get that new shirt). Living in an area with "cleaner" air, eating "healthier" foods, shunning toxin-laden toiletries like deoderant and toothpaste (cleanliness is over-rated) are all good things to do to decrease the amount of toxins entering your body. However, NO ONE can escape them totally.

Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), cellular zeolite, liquid zeolite, whatever you want to call it, helps the body eliminate the flood of toxins present in today's environment. With the body burden lifted, the body's immune system kicks in, nutrients are better absorbed, organs function more efficiently. Having extra help to get toxins out of the body helps the body fight disease today and prevent disease from occurring in the future. What a bargain!

Remember, NCD does not treat or cure any disease. The BODY does that on its own.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Waiora: Incredible Opportunity

Ok, I just have to digress a bit. As time goes by, I get more and more excited about this company Waiora and the products it offers. They've definitely helped my daughter, but I talk to new people every day who are seeing great results. Not just with Natural Cellular Defense, but with Essential Daily Nutrients (High 5), Healthy Aging, Superior Fiber Blend, Advanced Antioxidant Formula, not to mention the "Botox in a Bottle" Antioxidant Serum, and the list goes on.

The products are based on such sound principles that it's easy to see why they're so successful. Just the liquid zeolite/High 5 combination, for example, helps so many different ailments. This combination first takes the toxins out the body, which allows the body to start healing itself, and then gives the body critical nutrients with which to heal and repair damage done by toxins and disease. These products simply make it easier for the body to heal itself! Who doesn't need that??!

It won't be long before people will be knocking down the door to get in with the company, if only for the great wholesale discount. Plus, you get the added bonus of earning commissions to offset the cost of your own healing products. How is that not a great deal??

The timing is great because the company is still extremely young (less than 3 years old), rock solid financially (0, nada, nothing, zilch in debt), and coming out with a new block buster product every year. Natural Cellular Defense in 2005, EDN in 2006, and a new product scheduled for release in 2007. They're addressing the critical issues for an aging population: fighting disease and aging, aches & pains, looking and feeling youthful. Hello! Who out there hasn't heard of that generational phenomenon called the Baby Boomers?? They've affected some industry in a big way in each phase of their lives; the wellness industry will be no different as they enter their Golden Years.

You can really build a real business with Waiora. You work hard and produce results, you collect a large check. You develop of team of like-minded, excited individuals who you enjoy spending time with (usually on the phone ;) ). You can work from your home in your jammies if you like. How many companies offer that package to ALL of their associates?? You can build a business, a future, a dream, all in the process of helping people regain their health and freedom. Now that's a fulfilling job!

Waiora has the whole package, lock, stock and barrell. And it's so simple to get involved!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Detox Symptoms

Almost two weeks later now (my, how time flies through the holidays!).

Less than a week after the last post, Demi had been taking usually 10 drops 2x/day of cellular zeolite, just because I was forgetting the third dose. Last Friday, she suddenly came down with cold-like symptoms - runny/snotty nose, coughing, tired, red eyes. Her eyes got more red on Saturday and by Sunday, I was convinced it was pink eye. Luckily, we had some leftover drops to use, so it didn't get too bad and didn't infect her sister. She is still coughing a bit and has laryngitis.

A couple of other mothers over at AutismNCD mentioned seeing very similar symptoms, so I strongly suspect that Demi is getting detox symptoms from the increased dose. It just took 1.5 weeks to show up. If that's the case, I guess I need to back off the dose a bit so she can get back to normal. It's no fun being sick, even if you're detoxing and not really sick.

We also ran out of ThreeLac a few weeks ago. I wasn't sure it was helping that much, since I wasn't totally convinced Demi had a yeast problem. Lately, I've been noticing that she doesn't listen very well. Could that be part of the equation, too? It's difficult figuring out what works, what doesn't, what works with what, etc, etc. It's all a balancing act and you're never quite sure what things you're supposed to be balancing.

Oh, by the way, did I mention that I've partnered with Team In Training and will be running the ING Atlanta Marathon (yes, that's 26 miles. ugh!) in March. All donations go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for finding a cure for those diseases. Check out my TNT website for training updates (14 miles scheduled this weekend) and to donate.