Saturday, March 04, 2006

Zeolite Day 10

I awoke today with a bit of a headache, probably because I didn't have enough water yesterday.

The girls are totally back to normal now, except for Demi's cold and Dana's ear infection. This cold has lasted so long that I wonder if the zeolite is "pushing" the germs out. Her mucous has been thicker and darker than before starting NCD (almost like it made the cold worse).

Detoxing, however, should allow the body's natural immune system to work more efficiently, which should mean that the white blood cells fight the germs off like normal, just faster. I'm not seeing that here.

This is my last day on the cleansing dosage of 10 drops. For the record, my bottle of drops has lasted for longer than the 300 drops they say is in the bottle. Together, Demi and I have been taking 45 drops/day, which means a bottle should last for about a week. Let me count... We're well over 400 drops and it's still not empty, although we'll probably run out today as it's getting harder to squeeze. I would guess that on a "super" dose of 15 drops, 3x/day, a bottle would last at least 10 days, which would mean a 4-pack would last over a month.

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