Saturday, December 23, 2006

Seeing Changes

Ok, I've lost count of the restart days, but we've been steadily increasing. Since we weren't seeing any negatives on the lower doses, I started increasing the dosage a bit faster, increasing 3 drops each day. We did 10 drops, 3x, yesterday. Today, after two doses of 11 drops, we started seeing some of that "weepy" behavior I've read about on AutismNCD. Since the second dose was later than usual, I'll drop down the dose to 5 tonight and then stick with 10, 3x/day, for at least a couple of days.

This weekend, we're visiting the grandparents. They haven't seen Demi for about 4 months and have noticed significant changes. Most noticeably, they've noticed increased interaction and communication - asking lots of questions, making connections and drawing conclusions from different facts, remembering certain things. Her speech is much clearer.

Gotta get back to family activities now.

Merry Christmas!

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