Wednesday, December 13, 2006

2nd Week (Day 9) of Restart

We're up to 5/5/5 and holding now. I'm not seeing excessive stimmy-ness or hyperactivity. I have noticed increased BM activity. I expect that to normalize soon; it's not causing a problem. She has had no accidents.

Yesterday, I went to her school for a small workshop and learned that the regular pre-K kids would be assessed before Christmas break on capital, lowercase, and letter sounds. Whichever letters/sounds weren't mastered, they'd get certain activities sent home to help. Last night, I asked Demi each letter sound, skipping around the alphabet. She knew all but 4 or 5. She knows all but maybe 2 capital letters and maybe 4-5 lowercase. That tells me she's right where the regular pre-K are. Yea for Demi! I was very pleasantly surprised. She seems to pick things up more quickly now. We'll see if that continues.

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