Thursday, December 27, 2007

Supplements and More Supplements

Although I started slow, I have built up quite a cadre of supplements for Demi. It seems like a lot, but it's really not. I've read of autistic kids getting close to 50 supplements a day. Now, THAT's a lot!

What I give her and why:
1. Natural Cellular Defense from Waiora - liquid zeolite - for general detoxification, including mopping up any toxins/metals knocked loose by other supplements. For continuing maintenance as well as continued improvement. Demi saw gains on NCD alone for quite a while, but then plateaued. I continue to give it so that she gets the most out of the other supplements she takes as well.

2. Fish Oil - EPA/DHA - for general brain function, omega fatty acids. There's a theory of decreased myelination with Kabuki syndrome, which means the sheath around the nerves is not properly formed. I think additional fatty acids could assist in building up that sheath (which would improve neurological function in general), and they certainly won't hurt!

3. Juice Plus - for general wholefood nutritional support of fruits and vegetables. She does pretty well with vegetables, but she usually won't touch fruit.

4. Essential Daily Nutrients from Waiora - general nutritional support plus several beneficial trace minerals, additional wholefood goodness.

5. ALA - Alpha Lipoic Acid - antioxidant which acts as a gentle chelator, supposedly crossing the blood brain barrier. NCD picks up the metals knocked loose by ALA (hopefully). We've been using this on aggressively since she's been out on school break for the last week. It seems to be doing some good. She seemed to pick up more easily on her latest round of sight words - not nearly as much drilling as the last round. Could be my rose-colored glasses again...

6. ProCulture Gold probiotic - for improved intestinal flora and digestive support

7. SaccB - for fighting yeast, which sometimes increases when getting rid of metals

8. ThreeLac - for fighting yeast

9. GABA - for calming and slowing the brain down. Kind of the opposite of glutathione (which did not test well for Demi). Just started this one today - we'll see how it goes.

10. Zinc - Good to supplements with NCD, plus she tested at 100% for it, which supposedly means that her body needs it.

11. Digestive Enzymes - for digestive support

12. Homeopathic Insecticides - to get rid of insecticide toxins

13. L. Acidophillus - I haven't started this yet, but I have it on hand in case she has to get another round of antibiotics (which I try to avoid). It helps restore the good bacteria in the gut to maintain digestive health.

I think that's all. That's enough for me to keep track of right now!

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