Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ear Problems

Various things going on with Demi that I need to update. Following some nasal congestion in late October, Demi's "good" eardrum ruptured. Apparently infected, but the only warning I had was "My ear hurts" once on Thursday evening.
Friday afternoon, she declared she didn't feel good and wanted to go to bed, but no ear complaints.
Saturday morning, a slight trickle of amber fluid from her ear. I had put some drops in her ear on Thursday; I assumed perhaps they'd melted some wax and it was coming out. Lots more complaining Saturday; enough to prompt me to call the on-call doctor, who agreed we should wait and see.
By Sunday morning, amber fluid had matted her hair to the side of her head and crusted her cheek and neck. Not much doubt in my mind that it had ruptured. Poor baby!

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