Thursday, July 27, 2006

Demi Did Well in Summer School

I almost forgot to mention Demi's good report from Summer School last week. Last Thursday was Demi's last day of Summer School. Actually, instead of regular summer school, she was getting two hours, twice weekly, of speech and OT work in a very small group.

She had a total of 6 goals going into the summer: 3 speech and 3 OT, 4 of which are specific skills that she's been working on for a very long time (1 yr+) and 2 of which are "continuing goals" (improving articulation). She accomplished the 4 goals that she'd been working on for so long and has made progress on the other 2. Yea for Demi!

Some of the goals were pretty basic - cut on a line and trace shapes independently. I think increased focus has helped her attend to these tasks better to actually show that she can do them. A few months ago, she just didn't stay interested in the task long enough to complete it; now she's better at working toward completion.

I think the increased focus contributed to her success on her receptive speech test as well. Most, if not all, of that increased focus has come in the last five months since she's been on NCD.

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