Friday, July 07, 2006

18 month Jump in Receptive Language!

Demi just had her annual speech evaluation yesterday. Her scores showed an 18 month improvement in receptive language! At least half of that improvement has been in the last 4 months since she started NCD. Her expressive score improved by 12 months in a year, so at least there's no gap-widening. She still has major articulation issues.

I also have to mention the new study that's being conducted on NCD and Autism. They are doing a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to determine whether or not NCD helps kids with autism.

There's a Yahoo discussion group - AutismNCD - where mothers discuss the ins and outs of giving NCD to your child, watching for minor negative reactions, and adjusting the dosage specifically for your child. The gradual dosing protocol allows parents to maximize gains while eliminating regression which might be seen with other treatments.

If you're thinking about trying NCD for your child or just want to know more about how it's affecting children, just join the group and read what other parents are saying. It's free and very educational.

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