Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Too Many Supplements!

Gosh, it sure gets old pulling out all the bottles and getting out all the pills, juice, and drops to give Demi every morning and night. It really only takes a couple of minutes (plus the numerous reminders until she gets it all down), but it seems like such a chore. I'm thinking I'm not alone in this (?).

But, even though it seems laborious at times, I've never considered not doing it, because I believe it's helping her. If anything, I'm just more motivated to read more stuff to figure out something that might help her get further. Most things I've tried have made a difference at first, which eventually led to a plateau. A few things (like GABA, for us) didn't seem to make a difference. But each advance to a plateau is progress forward - which is definitely going in the right direction!

I just wish she came with instructions on what exactly works best with her body in what amounts. Alas, that book has yet to be written. I'll be able to write it after the fact when it won't do any good.

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