Sunday, January 20, 2008

Kindergarten Birthday Party

Just took Demi to a birthday party today. The usual crowd of parents stuck around with the kids, some drop them off and come back later. Today, I really would have liked to have dropped Demi off, because I had to do something with Dana (she played with a friend for the duration). But, since she doesn't act like a "normal" 6yo, I'm afraid to leave her without close supervision.

Last month, I started Demi on a number of new supplements - namely digestive enzymes, probiotics, and GABA. Honestly, I haven't noticed much change, so I'm wondering if I should continue. At the party today, one of the parents who volunteers occasionally in the classroom, so she's familiar with Demi (the parents who know her always make a point of telling me nice things about Demi), mentioned today that, although Demi is usually rather quiet, last Thursday, she had rattled off an entire conversation, taking great interest in this family's new dog.

So, hmmm, are the supplements increasing her language skills? Given the nature of the conversation about the dog (is it a girl or a boy?, what color is it?, what's it's name?, etc), I'm thinking that's not the case. Those are questions that Demi asks her speech therapist ad nauseum, even though she already knows all the answers.

But it was nice to hear that she was interacting nicely with an adult and the adult seemed to understand everything she was saying. That's a step forward. Maybe the additional supplements are working after all.

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