Monday, August 21, 2006

Demi's First Day Back At School

Demi just got back from her first day back at school. I wanted to share the teacher's note she brought home:

"Great first day! We traced shapes and she did great. She stayed near the line and I didn't have to hold her hand or arm at all! She drew a person with verbal prompts only (except for body) and it looked great! You guys worked hard this summer. Did well pointing to capital letters, got 12/26 consistently right."

She has struggled with all of those things for a long time. Yes, we worked on things over the summer, but not significantly more than we have in the past when she didn't get them. Perhaps this is just one long learning spree, but it's been going on for a few months now. At this rate, we'll have to completely rewrite her IEP in a few months. I really believe it's the combination of detox (NCD), EPA/DHA (fish oil), and antioxidants (JuicePlus+) which enable her to absorb the information and therapy that she's getting. It all works in combination.

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