Friday, January 09, 2009


I just got a couple of sampler packets of a new sweetener called Truvia. Anybody heard of it?
It says it's made with erythritol.

So, onto the internet. What's it all about? Is it truly "natural?" Any harmful effects? Here's what I've found so far:
  • derived from sugar, just like xylitol
  • 60-70% as sweet as sugar
  • .2 calories per gram ("almost" calorie free)
  • absorbed by the small intestines and less likely to cause any negative side effect like xylitol or maltitol (unless consumed in excessive quantities)
  • does not cause cavities (like xylitol)
    does not sound like it's great to bake with as it tends to dry things out, doesn't dissolve as well as sugar, and may not give the desired consistency
  • although it's been around for awhile (FDA GRAS status since 1997), it's not widely available (Maybe Truvia will change that?)
I tried the Truvia sample packets in my tea this morning. Tastes ok to me. I didn't find anything negative about, but perhaps I didn't look hard enough. Anyone have additional information?

I found a 1lb bag of erythritol here:

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