Monday, March 13, 2006

Zeolite Day 19

Another note about Dana - she's still complaining about a tummy ache, although I've given her no NCD for 2 days. Perhaps a mild stomach bug caused her episode Friday night instead of the NCD.

Demi woke up with a cough today, even though she's been on steady NCD. Could this be another "cleansing" mechanism of NCD or is she catching something that NCD should have caught?

I listened to my first product call last night. The top Waiora distributors facilitate a live product call every Sunday night (9:30pm; 1-435-871-6050, passcode 133655#). They talk about various products: last night they talked about NCD, Advanced Antioxidant Formula, and Superior Fiber Blend.

All of the information they presented was interesting - it was very scientific (but in layman's terms), explaining how and why each product does what it does.

One of the things I had difficulty understanding was how NCD took out only the "bad" metals and not the good. The reason is that it has a higher affinity to the heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic, whereas it has a much lower or no affinity to lighter "good" metals like sodium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Those heavy metals are all around us: mercury from seafood, lead from auto exhaust & industrial pollution, cadium from smoking and 2nd hand smoke, arsenic from pressure-treated wood (of which most residential decks are made). Go to and enter your zipcode and click on EnviroMapper to see a map of the pollutants in your specific area. It's amazing how unavoidable they are.

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