A few weeks ago, my youngest daughter (almost 3) came home from daycare with a strange scrape across her bottom lip. She said she scraped it on her mat at nap time. It looked like a cold sore to me, unfortunately the bad kind (Herpes cold sore). It seemed to fade over the course of a few days, so I didn't worry about it.
Two days ago, it was back in exactly the same spot. She complained that her lip hurt. Yesterday, it was worse than the day before. Last night, I massaged three drops of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) directly on her "scraped" lip. This morning at breakfast, I did the same thing.

By the time she went to daycare, I could tell it was noticeably better. It seemed to be drying up quickly, growing flakier by the minute. I hope it's not as sore for her as it dries up. I
This picture was taken this afternoon after she got back from day care. You can see that it's already a getting flaky since I started applying NCD last night.
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