Thursday, March 30, 2006

I'm sold on Natural Cellular Defense!

After trying the product for over a month, I believe it really does something. Since I'm generally healthy, it's difficult to say exactly what, although I've mentioned some of the effects in this blog over the last month.

I haven't noticed a significant change in Demi, but that change will take time. I mentioned before that she had a cough, but that never developed into anything. The girls have not been sick recently. I wonder how allergy season will go?

So, I decided to become a distributor so I can share the products with others (and have some extra money to buy more of the products myself!). I'm anxious to read the new studies that are coming out about the effect on healthy vs unhealthy populations. The preliminary results show significant results in both populations (more in the unhealthy group, of course).

If you'd like to try Natural Cellular Defense for yourself, click the "Where to get it" link or go to Zeolite Wellness for lots more information. To try just a single bottle, give me a call at 770-722-6992 and I'll send you a bottle.

The retail cost of each bottle is $50 (tax and shipping included) if ordered with a credit card over the phone. Once you decide it's a valuable product that you want every month, it makes more sense to join the company to get the wholesale rate.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Upping the Dose

Well, I'm past my 30 days now, so I stopped counting!

I noticed after being on the maintenance dose for a while (2+ weeks) that I wasn't feeling quite as good as before. Not that I was feeling bad, but stress was getting to me, I was feeling tired, etc. So I bumped it back up to 5 drops, 3x/day. After about 4 days, I started feeling better again. I guess I have more toxins in my body than I realized.

Just yesterday, I heard another Natural Cellular Defense user say that after 2 months (!) of 30-40 drops/day (!), he noticed a fog lift from his mind, a fog he never realized was there. Wow! To think we could be walking around in a fog, never realizing our full potential, simply because we aren't aware of how good we could feel.

Bear in mind that feeling better and sharper mental acuity are not direct results of NCD. They are the body's response to the absence of toxins which are cleared out by NCD. NCD is not magic. It simply helps us get rid of the bad things in our bodies that are weighing us down. After that, our bodies do the magic.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Zeolite Day 27

I'm going through another breakout now, worse than the first one. Is this another cycle of acne toxins coming out? I've been under a lot of stress lately and haven't been getting enough sleep. I suppose that could cause a breakout, but I haven't experienced that in the past under the same circumstances.
I've continued using NCD on Dana's lip and she looks fine. I'm almost afraid to stop putting it on for fear it would come back.
It's kind of strange, but I seem to be able to tell a difference when I don't take as much NCD. Sometimes I forget to take my drops and I just don't feel as good. I'm thinking about bumping back up to 5 drops. Maybe I didn't get everything out during the first 10 days? It think it helps primarily with my digestion. I've rarely felt bloated since taking NCD, although that was pretty common before.
NCD has definitely NOT helped me with weight loss, but it doesn't really profess to do that except as a potential (positive) side effect.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Lip Sore Part 6 (Zeolite Day 24)

Here's another picture taken yesterday. (Sorry for the poor photography!)

It's looking much better after two days, although it never got as bad as it did the first time.

What kind of sore is it? Rather strange that something would disappear and come back so soon, with the exact timing of NCD application. Could NCD be causing the cold sore? Very doubtful, since it came back when NCD stopped and started receding again once NCD application started again.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Zeolite Day 22 (Lip Sore Part 5)

Uh oh! I stopped putting NCD on Dana's sore a couple of days ago because it looked like it was completely gone (picture at left taken 3/12/06).

It came back yesterday (picture at left)!
I immediately put NCD on it and it looked much better this morning than last night, but it's still quite noticeable. I'll try giving her small doses (1 drop) orally as well.

Another user of NCD mentioned that she had strange sores break out all over her face after using it for over 2 months. She believes the NCD is pushing the herpes virus out of her system. (I just recently learned that the skin is one of the "elimination" organs of the body - makes perfects sense when you think of losing electrolytes through sweat.) As soon as she started putting NCD on the sores, they cleared up substantially, much as I have seen with Dana's sore.

I'll have to continue to give her low doses to keep the sore at bay.

The bottom picture was taken today before bedtime.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Zeolite Day 19

Another note about Dana - she's still complaining about a tummy ache, although I've given her no NCD for 2 days. Perhaps a mild stomach bug caused her episode Friday night instead of the NCD.

Demi woke up with a cough today, even though she's been on steady NCD. Could this be another "cleansing" mechanism of NCD or is she catching something that NCD should have caught?

I listened to my first product call last night. The top Waiora distributors facilitate a live product call every Sunday night (9:30pm; 1-435-871-6050, passcode 133655#). They talk about various products: last night they talked about NCD, Advanced Antioxidant Formula, and Superior Fiber Blend.

All of the information they presented was interesting - it was very scientific (but in layman's terms), explaining how and why each product does what it does.

One of the things I had difficulty understanding was how NCD took out only the "bad" metals and not the good. The reason is that it has a higher affinity to the heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic, whereas it has a much lower or no affinity to lighter "good" metals like sodium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.

Those heavy metals are all around us: mercury from seafood, lead from auto exhaust & industrial pollution, cadium from smoking and 2nd hand smoke, arsenic from pressure-treated wood (of which most residential decks are made). Go to and enter your zipcode and click on EnviroMapper to see a map of the pollutants in your specific area. It's amazing how unavoidable they are.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Zeolite Day 17 (Lip Sore Part 4)

As I mentioned, Dana complained yesterday about having an upset stomach. She ended up throwing up in her bed last night (oh, fun!). She's VERY sensitive to the NCD. In retrospect, I'm very surprised she didn't throw up when I gave her the 15 drops all at once. She's been fine all day today. I guess there's a possibility she could have been sick, but I'm 99% certain it was from the zeolite.

The very good news is that her lip sore is essentially completely gone. There's a slightly reddish shadow where it once was, but the skin is totally back to normal. I'll continue putting the NCD on it until even the reddish shadow goes away. Since it's right under her bottom lip, no one could even see it.

This picture was taken today before bed time.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Zeolite Day 16

I think I gave Dana too many drops again. I wanted to help her kick that lip sore, so I gave her 3 drops, 3x today. This evening, she was complaining that her tummy hurt. Slight nausea is apparently common initially, although I didn't intend for her to get that. I'll bump her dose down to 1 drop tomorrow. I'm sure she'll be fine in the morning.

Still no word from any of my cousins that I've mentioned it to. I mentioned it to my stepmother a few days ago. She said she might be interested in Waiora's heart products, since she's trying to get her cholesterol down. I need to follow up with my relatives so I can get some more input on this trial!

Natural Cellular Defense vs Lip Sore (Part 3)

I continued to put Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) directly on Dana's sore on her lip.
I also started giving her 3 drops of NCD orally today.

I could not believe how much better it looked when she got home from school today! It's almost completely gone. The large part at the corner of her mouth is now completely gone. A pinkish area below her bottom lip is the only portion that remains. It no longer looks like a sore at all.

The top picture is today before school. The bottom picture is today before bedtime.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Zeolite Day 15

I was so happy to hear these comments today about Demi:

This from a note home from her teacher: "Did better tracing names and shapes. You must be working on it at home."
Yes, we've been working on it at home, but no more than we've been working on skills all along.

This from her bus driver/monitor: "While she was buckling her seatbelt, she said plain as day, "I'm going to get a lollipop today." If you'd ever heard Demi talk, you'd know that "plain as day" was RARELY ever used to describe her utterances, particularly a whole sentence.

Neither her teacher nor bus driver knows that I've been giving her NCD or anything else. I started giving her fish oil just three days ago. I believe that her speech is becoming much clearer, but, since I know about the NCD and I'm her mother, I don't trust myself to be objective. ;)

The real test will come next Wednesday when we see her speech therapist. It will have been 4 weeks since she saw Demi and Demi will have been on NCD for 3 weeks & fish oil for 1 week. (Normally Demi gets private speech therapy once a week, but scheduling and illnesses stretched this interval way out.) Although you would expect an improvement over 4 weeks, I'll be interested to hear her estimation of the extent of improvement. Demi's progress thusfar has been slow but fairly steady.

Natural Cellular Defense vs. Lip Sore

I have pictures this time!
3/7/06 - Here's Dana after school on March 7th. It didn't go away like I'd hoped. In fact, it looked a little worse this afternoon than it did this morning. It's still better than it was last night before I started applying NCD. You can see how it's drying up.

3/8/06 - Here she is the next morning. I doesn't look red at all and seems to be drying up.

3/9/06 - Here she is the following day - 2.5 days after starting NCD application. The bigger potion under the left corner of her mouth is much smaller now. That area is where I massaged the early treatments. It still bothers her, but it seems to be more itchy than sore now.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Zeolite Day 13

I finally ran out of my first bottle of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) yesterday, on Day 12. That's after me doing the cleansing dosage (10 drops) for 10 days, plus 3 drops for 2 days, plus Demi doing 5 drops for 7 days, then two doses of 15 drops for a day, then 3 drops for 4 days, plus Dana getting 15 drops once, plus 3 on her lip. Added all up, that's over 500 drops in one bottle!

On the normal maintenance dose of 3 drops (3x/day), a single bottle would last almost two months (56 days). That comes to $1.13/day.

Of course, since there are lots of extra uses for it (like a cold sore, a sore on your skin, a wart, etc), you might not get the full 56 days out of it. But how much does cold sore medicine cost or wort remover? And how well does it work? I guess I have to reserve judgment on that score until I see Dana's sore this afternoon. I just couldn't believe how dry and flaky it looked after just one night and two applications. I guess I need to start taking pictures! I'll take a picture this afternoon and update this post.

Does Natural Cellular Defense help a lip sore?

A few weeks ago, my youngest daughter (almost 3) came home from daycare with a strange scrape across her bottom lip. She said she scraped it on her mat at nap time. It looked like a cold sore to me, unfortunately the bad kind (Herpes cold sore). It seemed to fade over the course of a few days, so I didn't worry about it.

Two days ago, it was back in exactly the same spot. She complained that her lip hurt. Yesterday, it was worse than the day before. Last night, I massaged three drops of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) directly on her "scraped" lip. This morning at breakfast, I did the same thing.

By the time she went to daycare, I could tell it was noticeably better. It seemed to be drying up quickly, growing flakier by the minute. I hope it's not as sore for her as it dries up. I

This picture was taken this afternoon after she got back from day care. You can see that it's already a getting flaky since I started applying NCD last night.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Helping Fibromyalgia

Last night I talked to a woman who has suffered with fibromyalgia for over 32 years. With the help of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), she's just about back to normal!

Although NCD is not the only weapon in her arsenal against this debilitating disease, it was the key to clearing her perpetually foggy head. After taking it for about a week (on the cleansing dosage of 10 drops, 3x/day), she said, she could finally think clearly again. Once her bottle ran out, she stopped taking it. After just 4 days, the fogginess returned. Needless to say, the got another bottle.

I addition to NCD, she takes Zyprexa for pain and Juice Plus/Wholefood Pharmacy for energy. Although her pain has been alleviated with prescription medication for the better part of 5 years, she could never shake the foggy head and fatigue that plagued her. She started Juice Plus and Wholefoods about a month ago and noticed increased energy. She started the NCD about 3 weeks ago and noticed a clear head after only a week. With the combination of prescription medicines and natural supplements, she's just about back to normal and feels great!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Spreading the Word

I told my cousin about Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) last week. He was diagnosed with renal cancer 5 or so years ago and is still with us solely by the grace of God. The doctors once gave him a year or so live (4 years ago!). He has been through numerous experimental trials, some leaving him so ill that he could barely continue treatment. The treatment he is currently on seems to be working (shrinking his tumors).

I told him about NCD as another option for him. He asked for the information, but I haven't heard back from him yet. I sensed he may be hesitant to try something else right now since he current treatment is working. He wouldn't want to interfere with whatever it's doing. Can't blame him for that. I'll definitely post again if anything changes.

Zeolite Day 11

I finished my 10 days on the cleansing dosage, so now I'm down to 3 drops 3x/day as a maintenance dose. I wonder if I should stay at 10 drops until I start noticing more changes.

I noticed yesterday morning and this morning that I woke up without feeling as tired as I normally do. However, last night, I was unusually tired earlier than normal. I certainly wouldn't mind getting tired earlier so that I'd so to sleep earlier and wake up easily earlier.

I still haven't noticed any significant changes with Demi (other than potty accidents which I thought we were done with). I'm going to start giving her fish oil again. It's supposed to be good for the brain because of EFA's and Omega-3's. Perhaps the NCD has cleaned out some pathways and will allow the EFA's to penetrate her neurological system more effectively.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Free Radical Chain

Angie, who originally told me about NCD, put together some information about free radicals in the body. I've heard this type of thing before, but I'll include her version here since it's handy:

"You have in your body tiny pieces of metal, like mercury (from your fillings) or lead, or even iron. They are like time bombs, waiting to cause trouble. These are so tiny that you could say they are almost the size of atoms. Perhaps several atoms, but these are tiny pieces of metal which are, actually, toxic.

"They are still little appreciated by traditional medicine -- but they cause most health problems! They certainly cause heart disease and cancer!

"These pieces of metal can be so small that they can easily get embedded inside some tissue or organ of the body. This little piece of toxic metal can get stuck inside the liver, for instance, or the kidneys, or the heart, or just about anywhere. You could consider that this organ has a "sliver," or a very tiny piece of metal sticking into it.

"There is a mechanism, actually, whereby the tissue or organ tries to protect itself from this dangerous toxic metal, and can grow more tissue around the toxic metal, to cut it off from other parts of the body.

"But, there it is, still, this tiny sliver of toxic metal, stuck into your body somewhere. You could have millions of these!

"So much for mercury fillings!

"When a free radical happens to bump into one of these tiny pieces of toxic metal, instead of a simple chain-reaction of ONE new free radical being produced, there could be MILLIONS of new free radical produced from this one impact.

"The free radical from your latest meal of French Fries, is moving along inside your body, hitting various things, getting stopped, starting a new free radical moving along, and somewhere along the way this little murderous particle hits a tiny piece of toxic metal.

"We now have 1,000,000 new free radicals created in that split second. Each of them moves off in some new direction, spreading all through the body. Many of them will hit other pieces of toxic metal, causing other MILLIONS of free radicals to become newly created, each of them ready to do damage to your body.

"So, while we try to find ways to stop free radical from creating chain reactions in your body, we should be far more concerned with preventing these free radicals from ever coming into contact with toxic metals in the body. The best way I know is to remove the toxins and metals with Natural Cellular Defense!"

Angie runs Fitness SPA in Peachtree City, GA.

Interesting First-Hand Testimonials

I've talked to a few people who have been on Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) for over a month. The results within this little group are not earth-shaking, but very positive nonetheless. These are people that I've met personally.

One woman said that she took at least 4 Advils/day for terrible headaches. Once she started on NCD, the headaches stopped after a week and she hasn't had Advil since. She's been on the drops for a month now.

Another woman, the one who originally introduced me to NCD, swears that her vision has been improving. She's been on NCD for 6 weeks or so. She had just started noticing the onset of age-related far-sightedness, which is caused by decreasing elasticity in the lens of the eye. Typically, there's nothing you can do about it - even LASIK won't fix it. In addition to NCD, she eats lots of healthy food and supplements, including Juice Plus and Wholefood Pharmacy. She believes that the NCD cleaned out her system, which allowed the nutrients from her healthy diet to really start working, thereby improving her vision. Betacarotene, for example, is known to contribute to healthy eyes. Presumably, healthier eyes could mean more elastic lenses, which is probably why her vision is improving. I'm not talking about a drastic turnaround here, since her vision had just gotten to the "I need to check into glasses" stage, but it's very interesting.

Various comments from others:
  • lost inches around their middle (perhaps from better regularity?)
  • sleeping better
  • waking up feeling rested instead of groggy
  • requiring less sleep

As I said, these aren't earth-shattering testimonials because no one that I've met has had a major health ailment (except for one which I'll address separately). However, I think most people agree that regularity and sleep patterns can make a HUGE difference in day-to-day life, particularly if they're out of kilter.

How many normal, run-of-the-mill people believe that this ache or that ailment is simply due to aging? And how many of those aches and ailments could be alleviated with a regular dosage of NCD? And it's SO easy to take! No horse pills to swallow, no extra spoonfuls of this or that in your water, no detailed lengthy food plan to follow. Just a few drops of liquid in your favorite food or drink or directly on your tongue.

(I've found it to be slightly metallic tasting directly on my tongue, but not unbearably so. I don't taste it all in a teaspoon of water.)

Bear in mind that my jury is still out. I have definitely noticed a change in regularly, but I haven't noticed any change in my sleep patterns. I rarely have trouble sleeping, but I do tend to have trouble getting up in the morning. So perhaps that aspect will change in the near future. I'd love to be able to jump right out of bed ready to go for the day. :) I've only been on it for a little over a week so far; the others have been on it for over a month.

Zeolite Day 10

I awoke today with a bit of a headache, probably because I didn't have enough water yesterday.

The girls are totally back to normal now, except for Demi's cold and Dana's ear infection. This cold has lasted so long that I wonder if the zeolite is "pushing" the germs out. Her mucous has been thicker and darker than before starting NCD (almost like it made the cold worse).

Detoxing, however, should allow the body's natural immune system to work more efficiently, which should mean that the white blood cells fight the germs off like normal, just faster. I'm not seeing that here.

This is my last day on the cleansing dosage of 10 drops. For the record, my bottle of drops has lasted for longer than the 300 drops they say is in the bottle. Together, Demi and I have been taking 45 drops/day, which means a bottle should last for about a week. Let me count... We're well over 400 drops and it's still not empty, although we'll probably run out today as it's getting harder to squeeze. I would guess that on a "super" dose of 15 drops, 3x/day, a bottle would last at least 10 days, which would mean a 4-pack would last over a month.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Zeolite Day 9

Ok. Definitely a mistake to give Demi 15 drops yesterday. I took her back to 3 drops this morning after only 2 doses yesterday.

I don't know if it was a strange coincidence or a result of NCD, but Demi got sick and Dana said her tummy hurt last night.

According to other information I've read, a light feeling of nausea is not uncommon in the early stages of NCD, particularly on a high dosage. I think the drops I gave them yesterday were too much too fast for the girls.

This experience tells me that NCD is indeed detoxifying the body. Other people that I've talked to who are on NCD tell me that the process seems to involve the NCD pushing the impurities out of the body to finally get rid of them. For example, I've had an unusual amount of acne since I've been on NCD. Nothing major, just annoying whiteheads. My supplier mentioned that her daughter had the same problem, but they cleared up over time and now her skin is perfectly clear. I'll let you know if/when that happens.

Make sure you don't get too sick by following the label! For serious ailments in adults, 15 drops seem to work well. My children were just too small (30-35lbs) for that dosage. Even with 15 drops, adults may feel nausea.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

UK Company Recognizes Value of Zeolite

I've read quite a few things on the internet trying to learn about zeolite. The problem with everything that I've read is that it was either very scientific (talking about crystalline forms and stuff) or published (in some way, shape, or form) by Waiora, the distributor of Natural Cellular Defense (NCD).

I take everything I read from Waiora with a grain of salt, considering what they have to gain from the sale of the product. Because of that, I've been looking for some independent source of information which might corroborate Waiora's claims of the benefits of zeolite as a supplement. Today, I finally found something: A UK company attempted to create a dry capsule version of zeolite because of the benefits it showed to animals. The ACNFP's (UK's FDA equivalent)response, from an official government agency, mentioned benefits of zeolite:

  • "Based on [zeolite's] established ability to bind heavy metals,
    the applicant anticipates that the [zeolite capsules] will also be purchased by companies who
    handle toxic and/or radioactive metals or by hospitals and/or public authorities who
    may wish to stock the [zeolite capsules] in case of possible contamination by radioactive materials."
  • "The applicant has also provided studies that they believe demonstrate that the
    addition of clinoptilolite into the diet helps to protect the animals from the effects of
    mycotoxins such as aflatoxins, which are thought to bind to the clinoptilolite and are
    subsequently excreted from the body. The authors of these studies state that
    addition of clinoptilolite to animal feed has resulted in measurable improvements in
    the health of pigs, sheep and chickens."

The document also said that the agency found absolutely nothing harmful about zeolite.

Although the government paper says nothing of the efficacy of zeolite in any form, it acknowledges the ability of zeolite to bind with heavy metals and cancer-causing agents and excrete them from the body.

A major difference between this company and Waiora is that this company was planning to make a powder-based zeolite capsule, whereas Waiora holds the U.S. patent for the liquid form of zeolite distributed as Natural Cellular Defense (NCD). Presumably, the liquid form should allow for better absorption in the body and therefore better results. We'll see on that.

Zeolite Day 8

We've been on Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) for a week now.
Since nothing with Demi has changed in a week, I bumped up her dosage from 5 to 15 drops, 3x/day. 15 seems to be the "magic" dosage to fix something. Hopefully this will kick her cold out. Of course, since she's had this cold for around 3 wks, it's probably close to going away on its own.

No significant changes for me yet (I've been on the "cleansing" dosage of 10 drops, 3x/day) after a week. Minor changes include:
  • maybe more regularity
  • increased acne
  • I had what seemed to be the beginnings of a cold when I started, which seems to be completely gone now. Not sure if I really had one or not.
  • potentially more stamina

I can't say for sure whether any of the minor changes are due to NCD or changes in the weather. ;) Since I have no major issues, it makes sense that I wouldn't see any drastic changes.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Zeolite Day 7

Demi seems to be speaking with greater clarity, but I'm chalking that up to my hopeful imagination. I suspect it's because we've been working on the same thing for the past three weeks and she's finally getting it. Nothing spectacular there.

Demi has also been eating a bit better, but I'm not giving NCD credit for that since she had started eating better 6 wks ago over Christmas Break.

Plus, how could the same product increase her appetite while decreasing mine? I'm open to the possibility that detoxification and proper pH balance could lead the body to set the proper appetite (which would be less for me and more for her), but I'm reserving judgment on that point.