Another event which has gone unreported was Demi's bilateral otoplasty. Back in April, she underwent a day surgery to have her ears pinned back and rotated slightly.
Before the operation, her ears were significantly cupped (see the darling picture at left). So much so that her hearing aids would not stay on without special straps to keep them in place. There was simply no "behind the ear" there. Without the straps, the hearing aid flapped in the breeze, attached only by the earmold.
Here are some "in between" pictures. After the surgery, they wrapped her head with layers of gauze like a helmet. S
he had to keep that on for three days. After three days, we got a headband to wear over her ears for protection and keep them flattened. I ended up making my own headband, because the pictured option was not the best.
She wore the headband 24/7 for two weeks, then just at night for another two weeks. (In reality, she wasn't wearing it after the first two weeks, because it inevitably came off during the night.)

Do they look normal, unremarkable? Yea!!
We "lost" a little bit on the left ear - it's not quite as tightly pinned as the right. But they still look great compared to what they were before. (Take a look back at the BEFORE picture if you don't think so!) We're now 12 weeks post-surgery so they're totally healed with no complications.
The reveal:
Your daughter is just BEAUTIFUL! Her eyes are captivating. They did an awesome job on her ears--bravo!
Thank you, Jolie!
(High praise coming from someone with your name! ;)
Yes, I think her eyes are beautiful, too. That's actually a trait of Kabuki Syndrome. All KK's (Kabuki Kids, or kids with Kabuki Syndrome) have very unique eyes.
I have another picture I just got recently that shows it even more dramatically.
Are you considering an otoplasty?
ha, I will test my thought, your post bring me some good ideas, it's truly amazing, thanks.
- Norman
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