Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gluten free, Casein free

So, Demi's gluten free, casein free (GFCF) now (mostly).
I knew it was something we should try, but I just didn't want to because I thought it would be such a pain in the arse.

I talked to Anjellica, who recovered her son from autism (listen here). Something in the conversation really convicted me - I really needed to at least try it for Demi's sake. What if it DID make a difference? I owed her the effort at least.

So, I made a few tentative steps - got some rice milk, read some labels. I talked to Anjellica again specifically about the diet and supplements she used. I thought in terms of what she could eat rather than what she couldn't. I discovered a friend in corn and anything corn-based (tortilla chips, corn tortillas). Potato chips (Lays) - typically only three ingredients (and you actually know what they are!). Hummus or salsa (for dipping those tortilla chips). Any meat, fresh vegetables, fruit. See? Lots of stuff!

It really has been considerably easier than I expected. However, I only went for GFCF. I did not bar soy and sugar, as did Anjellica. I'll get there when I get there. One thing at a time. Surprisingly, Demi readily accepts the reason "it will make you sick" when I tell her she can't eat something, even something she's eaten numerous times before. Perhaps it helps when I explain to her that a baby-hood friend of hers also can't have milk (cheese, butter, cheetos, etc) because it will give her an ear infection (a story that was quite true). And perhaps it helps that we are currently struggling with that ear saga (part 1, part 2) so she knows firsthand what "sick" will mean. I have been ecstatic with her acceptance of it all.

So, she eats oatmeal (Quaker) or Rice Krispies (HFCS- not good, but not gluten - which evil is worse) for breakfast. She might eat a ham/mustard "sandwich", using corn tortillas for bread. We typically eat meat/chicken/fish cooked at home, along with frozen vegetables, for supper, which works for her. We don't eat a lot of fast food anyway, so I'm learning how to navigate that land-mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Both Quaker oats and Rice Krispies contain gluten. Oats are "contaminated" with gluten because they are grown in the same fields as wheat, and Rice Krispies contain barley malt which is gluten.