Thursday, February 01, 2007

No negatives yet

I started Demi on Liver Life last week when it came. We worked up to 10 drops/3x/day on that, per advice from AutismNCD group. Once I started the LL, I started increasing her NCD. We did 10 drops today with no ill effects. I got the liquid zinc earlier this week but have not given her any yet. I plan to hold 10 drops through the weekend, start a low dose of zinc tomorrow (just in case), and then ramp up more on NCD next week. I've gotta keep a handle on the yeast; I think it's starting to creep back in again.

I've had some nice mini-surprises lately. Last night when I was making supper (manicotti), Dana asked what the spaghetti sauce in the bottom of the pan was for (Dana is typically sharper than Demi). Before I could answer, Demi spouted, "It's to help it cook better!" I had not mentioned anything about the dish or the process before this exchange ( and I don't think I'd ever made manicotti before!). She was totally clued in!

We had speech therapy today. Her therapist mentioned that she was going to need to test her again to make sure we're still on the right track. She said once certain skills start clicking (oral motor), others fall into place quickly. She needs to reassess where Demi is, even though it's only been 6-7 months since she was tested. Now, that's progress! :D

Another "new" thing for Demi has been chiropractic adjustments. She just had her third one today. I can't say it's doing anything (who knows!), but I thought it was worth a try since it was extremely convenient (same time and location as her weekly therapy) and also covered by insurance. On the evening after her first adjustment, she seemed unusually chatty on the phone. Typically, she answers questions with single word responses. That night (a week ago), she was yakking on about different kids in her class, different things she'd done. Of course, Nana couldn't understand most of what she was saying, but she was talking up a blue streak! Could be all coincidence...


Laurie said...

Hi, I just signed up under you. Wanted to let you know. :)

Debbie said...

Hi Laurie! That's great!
I hope it's because you've seen a big enough change in Monkey to jump in with both feet.

I have a friend here in town whose daughter has PDD-NOS. She hasn't listened to me yet. :(

I just checked out your blog, so I see that things are changing big time with you. I'm sensing it's for the better! You sound like a very strong woman. Now that you'll have a fresh supply of NCD, I hope you'll see bigger changes with your son (and have fewer cold nights and fewer dead fish :( )

If you're interested in telling friends/family about it t build a business, I can help get you jump started. Interested in going to the National Conference in Orlando? Boy, that would really get you jump started! :)

Meanwhile, I'll send a few e-mails to you just to let you know about the business side. No pressure. I'm just glad that Monkey will be getting the benefit of NCD!
You can go to to find out more info.

By the way, we've been on "break" from the therapeutic listening since before Christmas and have seen no regression. Hard to say whether it had a good effect which stuck around or didn't have any effect at all. We're going to leave it be for now. (I guess I should go post this stuff.. ;) )
