Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Retention in First Grade?

I've had a rough week. Monday night, Demi got a test back where she missed 9 out of 10. It's getting close to CRCT time. (Here in GA, that's the minimum standard test at the end of each grade.) Although she's in special ed, I had thought, with enough help, that she'd be able to at least pass the CRCT. It doesn't look like that's going to happen.
Tuesday, I attended a "pre-IEP" meeting. In retrospect, I believe the purpose of the meeting was to throw out the possibility of retaining Demi in first grade. Not something I wanted to hear. The irony is that, if she weren't doing as well as she is, they probably wouldn't be recommending retention; they would recommend to pass her along. Since she has the ability to master first grade skills the second time around, they're recommending to have her repeat first grade.

I'm angry.
1. I'm angry at God for visiting this challenge on me that I am so incapable of meeting.
2. I'm angry at myself for being so incapable.
3. I'm angry that we've worked so hard (she works 10 times harder than most other students) and we're still coming up short.

Now I need to decide what to do.

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